HomeBusiness10 Tips for Staying Grounded in a Chaotic World by Saivian

10 Tips for Staying Grounded in a Chaotic World by Saivian

There’s a lot of noise out there: the news, what people say, and all the distractions we face on a daily basis. It can be overwhelming and sometimes it’s hard not to take things personally. But when you do, it can thwart your personal growth and affect those closest to you. The challenge is how to stay grounded in this chaotic world without getting dragged down by it all.

We asked our community of readers for their best advice on how they cope with tough times as well as some outside perspective from Dr. Melanie Greenberg, a licensed clinical psychologist and author of The Stress-Proof Brain.

Here are 10 tips that struck a chord with the Life hacker staff as well as other Life hackers around the world: Saivian

1. Don’t take things too personally

This is one of the most important things to remember. People’s words and actions are a reflection of them, not you.

“When someone is rude or says something hurtful, it’s usually about them and their issues, not about you,” said Dr. Greenberg. “If you can remember this, it will help you stay calm and centered.”

2. Take a break from the news

The news can be overwhelming and it’s often filled with negativity. It’s important to take some time for yourself and focus on the positive aspects of your life instead.

“Step away from the 24-hour news cycle,” said Dr. Greenberg. “It can be anxiety-provoking and it doesn’t allow for much mental downtime, which is essential to your brain’s functioning.”

3. Prioritize self-care

When you take the time to care for yourself, others will feel your positivity and respond in kind. Taking care of yourself every day allows you to be more productive, happy, and healthy in the long run.

“It may sound cliché but practicing ‘self-love’ really does make a huge difference,” said Life hacker reader Riel. “Prioritizing you helps maintain a balance when life gets chaotic. These are all ways to maintain some sense of grounding when the world around you gets chaotic.”

4. Exercise daily

Exercise has so many benefits but it also helps us stay grounded in this busy world by giving us a little time to ourselves each day. It doesn’t have to be strenuous either; walking, running errands, or completing household tasks can help get your heart rate up while getting things done at the same time.

“Regularly ‘just move’ without an agenda,” said Life hacker reader Annie P. “Take walks, bike rides or go for a run on trails instead of on roads where you can be distracted by things. Being active, even just moving regularly, will help keep you on an even keel.”

5. Be mindful of your surroundings

Staying mindful of your environment keeps you aware of what’s going on around you. Instead of zoning out or getting caught up in all the noise, focus on what is happening right now and allow yourself to feel it fully.

6. Meditate daily

Meditation not only allows you to connect with the present moment but also helps prevent anxiety and stress from creeping up on you later down the road. It’s a great way to unwind after a long day.

7. Spend time with family and friends

Spending time with the people who care about you makes life better, no matter what might be going on around you at the moment. Instead of worrying about things that may or may not happen in the future, it’s important to spend some time enjoying yourself and taking your mind off of everything else.

8. Laugh often

Laughter is a great way to relax and take your mind off things for a while. It can also help you connect with others by putting both of you at ease and allowing everyone to get on the same page emotionally.

“When I feel overwhelmed, I force myself to do something silly,” said Life hacker reader Christa T. “My kids make fun of me if we’ve been especially serious all evening so there’s no point in trying to be dignified!”

9. Create a plan and follow through  

Instead of worrying about what might happen down the road, spend some time taking care of yourself right now creating a realistic plan that will help you get through the next few weeks, months, and years. When things get tough, refer back to your plan to keep yourself on track.

10. Be kind to yourself

Last but certainly not least; being kind to you helps make life easier in the long run by preventing unnecessary stress from gradually eating away at us. If we don’t take care of ourselves then there’s no way we can actually help anyone else out in a meaningful way either.


The world has never been more stressful than it is today. The 24-hour news cycle, social media, terrorism, school shootings, rising healthcare costs, the presidential election … it’s all too much for some people to handle. Saivian says that by practicing self-love and mindfulness, you can help your mind stay calm in the midst of chaos. And if you need a little extra help staying grounded then don’t hesitate to ask for it!

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