HomeHealthAre phobia and anxiety different?

Are phobia and anxiety different?

We often use fear and phobia interchangeably. But they are not the same. Fear is a natural emotion and an evolutionary trait developed among living beings that protects people from harm when they face real and imminent danger. Phobia, on the other hand, is excessive fear or anxiety related to specific objects or situations that are exaggerated as compared to the actual danger they present. Most of them are unreasonable and irrational.

Phobia is an anxiety disorder. It is characterized by the following:

  • Experiencing intense fear of a certain object or situation.
  • As opposed to regular fears phobia causes significant distress, possibly interfering with life at home, work, or school.
  • People with phobias actively avoid the phobic object or situation or endure it with intense fear or anxiety.

Getting in touch with a psychologist doctor or a mental health doctor can help one to understand the subtleties that differentiate anxiety and phobia. Often the two chronic mental conditions are very likely to be misdiagnosed, To avoid such cases, it is best to seek a second opinion from the  Best Psychiatrists in Delhi.

Specific phobias typically fall within five general categories:

  • Fears related to the natural environment (heights, thunder, darkness)
  • Fears related to animals (spiders, dogs, insects)
  • Fears related to blood, injury, or medical issues (injections, broken bones, falls)
  • Fears related to specific situations (flying, riding an elevator, driving)
  • Other fears like choking, loud noises, drowning etc.

Common types of Phobia

  • Altophobia – Defined as an abnormal fear of heights. Because of this disproportionate fear, people might not even like to be or go near such places.
  • Trypophobia – Trypophobia is an aversion to the sight of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps. For instance, snakeskin,  the body of a strawberry, a golfball surface, etc. can cause disturbance or aversion in some people.  In case you have been experiencing recurrent aversions it is wise to seek a second opinion for trypophobia treatment.
  • Glossophobia – Is also known as the fear of public speaking. It is treatable with positive reinforcement therapies. To know more about glossophobia treatment options take a second opinion from expert psychologists.
  • Social phobia – People suffering from this kind of phobia experience significant anxiety, self-consciousness and embarrassment because of the fear of being scrutinised or judged negatively by others in everyday interactions. There are many types of Social phobia treatment available.
  • Claustrophobia – This is characterised by fear of confined spaces. Many people fear being inside closed rooms, elevators and such enclosed spaces.

Types of Phobia treatment

Phobias are treated with a combination of therapy and medications.

Exposure therapy has been observed as the most effective treatment for specific phobias. In this therapy, patients work with a psychologist to learn how to desensitize themselves to the object or situation that they fear. This is done by changing thoughts and feelings about the apprehended subject or situation by learning to control one’s reactions.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses more on alternative beliefs about the fears and bodily sensations and the impact they’ve had on one’s life. CBT emphasizes learning to develop a sense of mastery and confidence with thoughts and feelings.

While extreme cases demand anxiety-relieving medications, techniques like mindfulness strategies, meditation, physical exercises and relaxation are a few other steps that have been found effective.

In case you’re having apprehensions or are uncomfortable with your recommended treatment for your phobia, book an appointment with a psychologist doctor or a qualified mental health doctor having 25+ years of experience at SeekMed. The goal is to improve your quality of life so that you’re no longer hindered or distressed by your fear. weekend offers easy access to Best Psychiatrists in Delhi. Get a medical second opinion on various options available for trypophobia treatment, glossophobia treatment, exposure therapy for phobias and many more. Consult an expert psychologist doctor or a mental health doctor virtually and get affordable treatment recommendations that help you improve your mental well-being.

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