HomeTechWhat Is EMF: Everything You Need to Know

What Is EMF: Everything You Need to Know

Electronics of all kinds have become integrated into every aspect of our lives. People wear devices on their wrists to track their steps and text their friends on the run. Wireless earbuds allow you to easily swap between listening to music and answering phone calls. 

However, what effect does this dependence on electronics have on our bodies? All electronics emit some kind of electromagnetic field, often referred to as radiation. As everyone knows, radiation isn’t great for organic tissue. 

So, what is EMF and how dangerous is it? How do you protect yourself from the dangers of EMF?

What is EMF?

EMF, or electric and magnetic fields, are completely normal products of the universe. The sun sends out waves that create EMFs in low amounts that are only harmful to humans in large amounts. Even lighting during a thunderstorm creates electromagnetic radiation.

Nowadays, you can also find EMF produced by electric power lines and indoor lighting. If something has electricity running through it, then it produces some level of EMF.

In most cases, people are exposed to low to mid-frequency EMFs which are usually harmless. However, medical devices like X-ray imaging machines produce high-frequency EMFs that can cause damage to your DNA and cells. 

High amounts of exposure to these devices can result in some serious side effects.

Is EMF Dangerous?

Whether or not low to mid-frequency EMFs are dangerous to people is still being researched. However, there are some symptoms that studies suggest are associated with exposure. 

You may develop insomnia or headaches, as well as tiredness and fatigue. EMFs can affect your concentration and cause changes in your memory. Some people have reported feeling their skin itching or burning. 

High-frequency EMFs are much more immediately damaging, breaking down chemical bonds. Prolonged exposure can result in cellular and DNA damage, which often presents itself as cancer. 

How to Prevent EMF Exposure

The dangers of EMF can be prevented with knowledge of what causes them. 

When it comes to lower frequency EMFs, it helps to maintain distance from the source. Don’t sit or linger near appliances, especially if they’re turned on. Carry your phone in a bag or briefcase, and keep it away from you when you’re not using it. 

Most people will find themselves exposed to high-frequency EMFs when they expose themselves to the sun or use tanning beds. EMF clothing can help shield you from the sun and other sources of EMF throughout the day. Wearing sunscreen can also protect you against EMF exposure from UV radiation.

Minimize EMF Risks in Your Life

What is EMF for the average person who doesn’t work in a medical setting? You may find yourself exposed if you live near an abundance of power lines. Even something as minor as your smartphone lets off potentially harmful EMF. 

The best way to keep yourself safe and healthy is to minimize unnecessary exposure to electronics. You should also keep out of the sun during peak hours. 

Check out some of our other articles if you’re interested in health and tech topics.

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