HomeUncategorizedDo You Really Need to Get Your Air Ducts Cleaned?

Do You Really Need to Get Your Air Ducts Cleaned?

You have likely heard a considerable debate about the merits of air duct cleaning services. This can leave you wondering if you really need to have your ducts cleaned to keep your home clean and safe, or if you can just do without it. In reality, as with anything to do with your home, whether or not to have your ducts cleaned is a very personal choice. However, when discussing the benefits, you should know that the Environmental Protection Agency has specific guidelines that recommend homeowners cleaning their sewer system if they notice certain things about those systems.

If you don’t want the services of a cleaning professional, reviewing the EPA’s guidelines can help you make an informed, safe decision about the health and cleanliness of your home. The Environmental Protection Agency states that any homeowner who notices the following problems with their air duct system should have their ducts cleaned immediately:

The inner surfaces of the air ducts or one of the components of the heating cooling system are visibly moldy
A thorough examination by a person skilled in the art has shown that mold has been found in sections of the sewer system that are not easily visible

Your air duct system is infested with insects or rodents

There is an excessive amount of dirt and dust build-up in the ducts and these build-up will be visible from the feed registers or vents.
While it may be tempting for you to clean your ducts yourself, you should know that not only trying to clean your duct system yourself is potentially dangerous because you do not know about the system and that an air duct cleaning Asheville professional has and could end up damaging or injuring your home’s duct system, but cleaning a duct system requires tools and methods that only go beyond the visible area of ​​the ducts. This means that as you try to clean your ducts and avoid getting into those invisible areas, you are leaving behind dust, dirt, and other contaminants that were originally the problem. It is better to entrust your home to a trained, knowledgeable cleaning professional who will use their skills to get you the best possible results.

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