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How do discount coupons help you getting huge Off on your favourite products?

On some occasions such as commemorative dates, promotions and special events, online websites provide discount coupons that can be used to make your money even more. In this article, we’ll teach you how to take advantage of this gift!

How to get a discount coupon?

Discount code coupons are usually sent via email or appear on the website’s main screen to be used in the final step of paying for your shipment. In addition, customers get a Theadveturechallenge discount code coupon every month! In special cases, our team of specialists can also present the customer with one of these.

Where can I find the discount coupon?

Because it is shipped in multiple ways, the location of the coupon may vary. However, it will always be highlighted in our communication.

Discount coupon: how to offer and strategy tips

Did you know that in e-commerce, understanding how offering a discount coupon is one of the best strategies to increase sales?

With good planning, it can be used to attract new customers to your e-commerce, increase the average ticket and build customer loyalty. 

For retailers who are still resisting the initiative, know that this tactic is on the rise, achieving positive results in virtual stores in the most different segments.

To convince you about the use of this mechanism, we have prepared an article with the best practices on how to offer a discount coupon and many tips. 

What is a discount coupon?

Want to understand what a discount coupon is? This feature is nothing more than a code composed of numbers or letters made available by online stores to offer a differentiated price to the consumer. 

Coupons have different formats, rules and limitations according to the marketing strategy pre-established by e-commerce. 

There are specific coupons for certain categories or products, for first-time purchases, and for users who have left items in their cart but haven’t completed the purchase.

What are the benefits of offering discount coupons?

Before learning how to offer a discount coupon, it is important to understand what this tactic can do for your e-commerce. 

One of the benefits of using this feature is to increase sales and average ticket, as this strategy is a kind of mental trigger to encourage the customer to buy with benefit. 

Coupons also help in targeting promotions to different audiences. For example, you can create an action with a discount coupon only for new registrations and another for consumers who buy on a recurring basis. 

In this way, you can efficiently control the different benefits for each customer profile. Encouraging purchase completion is an important advantage for retailers who need to know what a discount coupon is for. That’s because, it can be offered when a user has left items in the shopping cart. When this happens, it is possible to send an email with a coupon to encourage this consumer to complete the purchase. If you love reading books then you can even get discount on your favourite books with Indigo books coupon.

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