HomeTechHow to Clean Up Your PC: Essential Steps to Take

How to Clean Up Your PC: Essential Steps to Take

Did you know that, on average, one minute of IT downtime can cost a whopping $5,600? However, that jumps to more than $100,000 per minute for larger enterprises.

All those figures show how big a loss defective computers and networks can cause.

Thus, it’s best to learn how to clean up your PC if it’s lagging or displaying more error messages. Otherwise, you might face severe IT downtimes, data loss, or computer failure.

Don’t worry, though, as we’re here to show you how to do just that. So, read on to learn how to spring clean your PC.

Delete Old Data

Studies show that workers spend 50% of their workdays searching for information. And each time they look for documents, they waste about 18 minutes on average.

If you’re in the same boat, you likely have a computer full of useless and outdated files. If so, it’s time to declutter your desktop and other storage drives. That helps organize your PC while also freeing up valuable disk space.

Start by deleting all files and folders you no longer access. It’s also wise to remove duplicates manually or with a duplicate cleaner app. Finally, don’t forget to empty the Trash (Mac) or Recycle Bin (Windows) folder afterward.

Keep Your E-Mail Clean

Criminals circulate a staggering 3.4 billion phishing e-mails a day. So, it’s unsurprising that they account for about 90% of data breaches. Many of them, after all, are vectors for scams and malware that users could download to their devices.

That’s why you should keep your e-mail inboxes clean if you want to clear out your computer. The fewer e-mails you have, the fewer malicious attachments you might click accidentally.

You can delete your inboxes manually if you only have a few hundred e-mails. However, you might want to use an app that lets you perform bulk actions if you have thousands of messages. You can check out this page and subscribe here for more details on such nifty programs.

Remove Unused and Outdated Programs

Uninstalling old or untouched software is one of the best ways to make your PC run faster and safer. For one, some programs have processes that run in the background even if the primary apps aren’t open. As a result, they still consume memory that you could otherwise use for more crucial tasks.

Another reason is that unused apps eat up valuable storage on your computer. That’s space you’re wasting that you could use for programs you need.

In addition, outdated apps pose threats because they’re vulnerable to hacking. You can then put your computer and data at risk of infection if you accidentally launch them.

All that should be enough reason to remove all programs you no longer use or need from your computer.

That’s How to Clean Up Your PC

And there you have it, the top hacks on how to clean up your PC and make it work faster and safer. So, as early as now, follow all the tips we shared. The sooner you do, the sooner you can whip your computer back to shape.

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