HomeHealthImplants Or Dentures

Implants Or Dentures

When you lose a tooth or teeth, it can affect your self-confidence. Besides having a beautiful face, clear skin, and good facial structure, having a set of teeth dentures is also important. With advancements in technology and medicine, you can choose between dentures or implants. You should not have a problem deciding on the option you want. Check out this dentist in lunenburg if you’re looking to get dental treatment.


A denture is an artificial tooth used to replace a missing tooth. There are complete dentures and partial dentures. The complete denture is used when a person has lost all his teeth. A partial denture is useful when a person still has some natural teeth left in his mouth.

Complete dentures could either be immediate or conventional. The immediate denture comes into place after removing the teeth and the healing of the gum tissue. Conventional denture comes into use about eight or twelve weeks after.

Advantages of Dentures

●       If you have a tooth or a couple of teeth missing, the best option for you is partial dentures. When chewing, the pressure is spread evenly around the teeth as it is joined together. This is because a clasp system merges the teeth to your mouth.

●       The partial denture is quite easy to use when it comes to usage. It is framed on the surrounding teeth for easy attachment. In a situation where the missing teeth are situated in the front, it could improve speech.

●       It is also very beneficial because it helps to maintain good dental care. It also prevents the other teeth from shifting their position.

●       In terms of aesthetics, the use of partial dentures ensures that the teeth and the gum colour match seamlessly. This is because it is crafted to blend with the rest of the teeth. Doing this improves your appearance and helps to boost your self-confidence.


The history of tooth implant dates back to 1952 when Per-Ingvar invented it. An implant is defined as a surgical fixture immersed into a jaw bone. This fixture fuses with the jaw bone over time.

Advantages of Tooth Implant

●       The process for implant involves the drilling of some bones into the jaw, after which an artificial tooth will be attached to it. In terms of cost, dentures are a bit more expensive, especially when you have lost some teeth and you need them replaced. It also has a lot of benefits.

●       A tooth implant is also very beneficial to oral health; the implant helps to replace the root of the lost tooth or teeth. The effect is that it prevents bone loss, which occurs in the absence of a root to assist the bone.

●       The cost of an implant might be quite high, but implant retained dentures are dependable, and you do not have to spend much.

Oral health is an essential part of a person’s life. Having a good set of teeth will give you confidence, improve your smile, and increase your self-esteem.

Advantages of dental implant system:

  • Restore chewing ability
  • Cosmetics that restore appearance
  • Helps the jaw bone shrink due to bone resorption
  • Protects the health of bones and surrounding gums
  • Helps stabilize adjacent teeth
  • Improve the quality of life

Risks associated with dental implant systems:

  • Injury to surrounding natural teeth during implant placement
  • Injury to surrounding tissues during surgery, such as sinus perforation
  • Injury during surgery (eg, surrounding jaw fracture)
  • Inadequate activity, such as feeling like teeth are not naturally biting together
  • Feeling that the abutment screw is loose due to loose or screwed teeth
  • Broken implant body (implant body stretches)
  1. Due to systemic infection, may be more common in patients with uncontrolled diabetes
  2. Implants support the body due to local infections in the bones and gums
  3. Due to slow healing, may be more common in patients who smoke
  • Difficulty cleaning the gums around the implant, which can lead to poor oral hygiene

Untreated periodontal disease

  • Numbness due to trauma or nerve damage after surgery
  • Always tell your healthcare provider and imaging technician that you have dental implants before any magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or X-ray procedures. Dental implants are not aware of any side effects reported for MRI or X-ray procedures with dental implants.

How to evaluate dental implants be safe?

Dental implant systems are typically made of materials that meet the international consensus standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or ASTM International. These standards detail what constitutes a safety component. These documents are well known in the security record.

Dental implant systems are evaluated according to international compliance standards. Biocompatibility testing, to show that physical contact with the device does not cause complications such as irritation or allergic reactions, is part of the assessment to help ensure that system component The dental implant system is safe and does not cause side effects when implanted in humans.

In order for manufacturers to market dental implant systems in the United States, they must first demonstrate that their systems are as safe and effective as the dental implant systems already on the market.

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