HomeLawTop Causes Of Bicycle Accidents

Top Causes Of Bicycle Accidents

Cycling is a common mode of transport for millions of people around the world and Americans as well, and an enjoyable activity as well. Even though bicycles are regarded as safe as compared to motor vehicles such as cars or trucks, they can still be part of devastating accidents. 90% of bicycle accident deaths are caused by cars.

You deserve compensation if you have been injured by a car or truck while riding your bike. For injured bikers, seeking financial compensation is an important part of recovery. Traumatic injuries can be expensive, and you should not have to pay for them out of pocket. Speak to a Newport Beach bicycle accident lawyer today. 

Top causes of bicycle accidents 

1.Distracted driving. 

You may have heard that it is extremely dangerous for drivers operating motor vehicles to use their smartphones or indulge in other distracting activities like eating or applying makeup while driving. When drivers are distracted, they may not see the pedestrian or cycle rider in front or at their side and hit them. This is why drivers should pay more attention to the road and their surroundings than the things inside the vehicle. 


Speeding is one of the major dangerous activities happening on the roads in Newport Beach. When a car travels at a speed higher than the posted speed limit, it takes longer to come to a halt. People speeding in their cars require more time to stop their vehicle as well as have reduced reaction and judgment time. Moreover, they usually move closer to the vehicle in front, increasing the risk of an accident. 

3.Weaving through traffic. 

Weaving through traffic is an extremely dangerous and reckless driving behavior, and no one should indulge in it. Inexperienced and new drivers are more likely to participate in such things. Weaving involves changing lanes very fast and in an unsafe manner, cutting other vehicles. It is also illegal, so you should report it immediately if you find someone doing it. Note down the details of the vehicle, such as the model, color, and license plate number, and report the details over the phone to the police. 

4.Careless and unsafe lane changes. 

Changing lanes is important to be done in a safe manner. When one does not pay attention to the other vehicles around them, it can cause one or multiple dangerous accidents. A significant percentage of accidents involving bikers occur during lane changes where the motor vehicle gets in the way of the bicycle. This happens when the vehicle does not check the path properly.

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