HomeLawVictim of Zantac? – 5 Reasons to File a Lawsuit Today

Victim of Zantac? – 5 Reasons to File a Lawsuit Today

If you are one of the millions of people who consumed ranitidine, better known as Zantac, and were later diagnosed with various types of associated cancer, you have a right to speak with an attorney about your claim.

The manufacturers of Zantac have been sued by thousands of people who were diagnosed with cancer after using this drug. In May 2019, the makers finally decided to pay $835 million in damages to settle all pending claims against them.

The Zantac Lawsuit is an excellent way to get the financial compensation you deserve if you suffered from the ill effects of Zantac. By filing a lawsuit through a lawyer, your chances of getting fair compensation increase manyfold. 

Zantac Can Cause Cancer

Zantac is a medication used for the purpose of treating peptic ulcers, acid reflux, and gastritis. It’s also generally recommended to prevent stomach ulcers from developing in those who take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). If you have developed cancer after taking Zantac, it might be because your physician recommended this medication to you.

Zantac can lead to cancer. It is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) that reduces the amount of acid formed by the stomach. PPIs have associated with an increased risk of various types of cancer, including liver and kidney cancer as well as esophageal and pancreatic cancers. 

The association between these kinds of cancers and PPI medications has not been confirmed yet. But many recent studies show there is a link between the two.

You May Have a Case Against the Manufacturers of Zantac

While running a business, mistakes are bound to happen. Whether it’s someone unintentionally dropping a box or failing to properly train new employees, it’s not strange for accidents to occur and result in injuries. However, when those accidents were caused by negligence on behalf of another party, then you may have the opportunity to file a personal injury lawsuit against them.

In this case, Zantac has been associated with cancer in a huge number of patients who took ranitidine to treat their heartburn or ulcers. The drug was withdrawn from the market by its makers after thousands of people sued them because this medicine caused cancerous tumors in patients who took the medication regularly over a certain time period.

You Could Receive Compensation for Your Cancer Diagnosis

If you or your family member were diagnosed with cancer after consuming Zantac, you could get compensation for your pain and suffering. In addition, you may be able to receive money for medical bills and lost wages from the time you were diagnosed until now, as well as the cost of treatment and prosthetics associated with cancer.

In some cases, families can even sue makers for loss of companionship if the patient dies during the course of treatment. You may also be eligible for compensation if you had other side effects from taking Zantac, such as Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea (or constipation). 

It’s Easy to File a Claim

It’s recommended for people who are filing lawsuits against Zantac to reach out for help from an attorney who has been trained in handling these cases. This way, they know that their case is being managed by someone who understands how this drug works and what needs to happen next.  

All you have to do is fill out a claim, and your hired lawyer will take care of the rest. You can submit your claim online, where you will be guided through every step by an experienced lawyer who has handled claims like yours before.

Even if you have a pre-existing condition, filing a Zantac lawsuit helps you because it means that you don’t have to worry about paying back any of the costs related to your treatment. By doing this, you can focus on getting better as quickly as possible.

Do It Now Before It Gets Too Late

There is a time limit for filing a Zantac lawsuit, so it’s important that you begin finding a lawyer and take action before it’s too late. A lawyer will offer the needed information and support necessary to ensure that your case gets off to the best possible start.

Though if you wait for too long, your chances of filing a lawsuit could become limited or even exhausted altogether. In some cases where there is an expiration date on an injury claim—like those involving medical malpractice—it can be really challenging to file your case within its allotted time period because of delays caused by complicated legal processes like collecting evidence and finding witnesses who saw what happened first hand instead of secondhand through media reports.  

Summing Up

It is true that every case is different. But there are some instances where it’s sensible to file a lawsuit. When you have suffered immensely from a pharmaceutical company’s negligence and their product has not been properly tested, then you require an attorney by your side who will fight for your rights and help you get what is rightfully yours.

Considering the ill effects of Zantac on people’s health, the FDA has decided to put a ban on the further use and availability of this medicine in the market to prevent further cases of cancer. 

If you or someone close to you has suffered from stomach issues, acid reflux, or ulcers after consuming Zantac and want to know more about this potential class-action lawsuit, then we encourage you to take action today.

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