HomeDigital MarketingWhat Are the Advertising Benefits of Catalog Marketing?

What Are the Advertising Benefits of Catalog Marketing?

In today’s digital world, catalog marketing still holds its relevance. In fact, when so many brands are exclusively digital, catalog marketing is an innovative marketing technique to stand out from the crowd.

Want to learn more about the advertising benefits of catalog marketing? We’ll tell you below, keep reading.

Increase Brand Awareness

75% of people who receive direct mail are able to recall an advertising catalog. This is 30% higher than digital ads. 

Spark Buyer Interest

A catalog offers a tangible connection to your brand. Brands that send catalogs note that their sales nearly doubled. They also mark higher product inquiries.

Monitor Geographic Results

Tracking who engages with your catalog is a powerful business tool. You can analyze interest and see where most inquiries are coming from and what they are about. Maybe everyone in Florida is eager for you to open a retail store.

Catalogs can help you gauge smart business decisions.

Provide Exclusive Discounts

With catalog marketing, you can send out special offers to recipients. this can prevent your coupons from ending up on random coupon sites and instead in the hands of loyal-or soon to become loyal-customers. 

Unique Targeting

Creating variations of your catalogs is a great way to offer a personalized experience, which is something more and more shoppers expect these days. 71% of consumers feel frustrated when a shopping experience is impersonal.

Personalized product recommendations boost sales and increase customer engagement.

Drive Website Traffic

You can’t control who your online ads are shown. It’s up to the algorithm. But as a small business owner, you can control to who you mail your catalogs. 

If there is a certain person, demographic, or neighborhood you believe would connect with your brand, send them a catalog! Once they see the beautiful print and enticing copy, they’re more likely to stop and think about visiting your website, unlike when they’re mindlessly scrolling through social media. 

Sway Purchase Intent

It takes eight or more touchpoints to turn an impression into a customer. But the quality of those eight touchpoints matters too.

Catalogs have been shown to hold more power in boosting interest and giving people the final push to purchase.

Establish Brand Voice

Your catalog is also a lookbook. It’s an opportunity to inspire your customers. Everything from your product or service styling to photography should tell a story. Grab their attention with a beautiful cover photo and some high-quality paper. 

Make sure to have a clear call to action in the catalog. This can be to shop the site, a coupon code, or to follow on social media. 

Is Catalog Marketing Worth It?

It might seem like a lot to try catalog marketing, from collecting addresses to sending them out. Ironically, due to the rise in technology, old-fashioned catalog marketing is much simpler. 

Many companies today will design print, and mail your catalogs for you. The returns are generally much higher than the costs and even more profitable than other types of marketing. 

Check out the business tab on our site for more advertising strategies.

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