HomeTipsWhat Are Trained Dogs and How Do They Help People?

What Are Trained Dogs and How Do They Help People?

Did you know that there are over 450 dog breeds in the world? Many people have a dog as a pet, and most dogs are friendly to children, often acting as a babysitter of sorts.

Trained dogs are skilled at assisting those with various needs and disabilities. But dogs also have many other helpful uses, such as serving as therapy dogs.

You may have heard of therapy dogs, but what about trained dogs for other purposes? Keep reading to discover how they can help you and give you peace of mind!

What Are Trained Dogs

These are dogs that have been specifically trained to perform certain tasks or behaviors. These tasks or behaviors can be helpful to people in a variety of ways. For example, trained dogs can be used as service animals to help people with disabilities.

They can also work in law enforcement or other settings. They can be therapy dogs to provide comfort and companionship to people in hospitals, nursing homes, and other settings.

Various Ways in Which Trained Dogs Can Assist Their Humans

In many cases, trained dogs are able to provide their humans with a level of support and assistance that would otherwise be unavailable. Here are some ways in which these dogs can assist their humans.

People With Physical Disabilities

Trained dogs can help people with physical disabilities in many ways. They can provide assistance with everyday tasks, such as opening doors and picking up items. They can also help people get around by walking with them or providing mobility assistance.

They can also provide emotional support to people with physical disabilities. They can help people feel more independent and confident and can provide comfort and companionship.

People With Mental Health Disorders

They can provide companionship, help with anxiety and depression, and even help with symptoms of PTSD. They’re trained to perform specific tasks that can help to manage symptoms and make everyday life more manageable. For example, a service dog can be trained to help remind its owner to take medications, help with panic attacks, or provide deep pressure therapy during anxiety or flashbacks. 

People With Sensory Processing Disorders

There are many ways in which trained dogs can help people with sensory processing disorders. One way is by providing deep pressure input which can help to stimulate and calm the nervous system.

Additionally, they can provide proprioceptive input through things such as massage and joint compression. This can help to improve body awareness and increase muscle tone.

They can also help to provide visual input and help people with the visual processing of information. They can do this by providing contrast and movement, and can also help with tasks such as visual tracking.

Finally, trained dogs can help to provide auditory input and can help people process and make sense of sound. This can be done by providing calming sounds such as white noise, or by providing auditory discrimination exercises.

Trained Dogs are Super Dogs

Overall, trained dogs can provide companionship, and assistance, and be a source of comfort for people. They help people with a wide variety of tasks and needs.

They can perform many different types of work and services. Ultimately, a trained dog can greatly improve the quality of life for its owner.

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